Engagement & Facilitation
Patti’s knowledge and experience in engagement and facilitation can help those looking for support in:
Designing a plan and connecting with diverse, targeted and specific stakeholders in the shaping of decisions, changes, new products, etc.
Looking for leadership in an event in development and facilitation of programming and outcomes or as a moderator to gatherings or functions.
Contracting a meeting lead or Chair as a facilitator to enable all organization team members to contribute to the dialogue.
Engagement & Facilitation
Leveraging the wisdom of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2.org), and 25 years of practice and formal education in engagement strategy and implementation, we ensure purpose-built approaches are integrated into every project, ensuring clarity of the why, how, what and for whom.
Most importantly - we are able to meet the people that the client wants to inform, engage, consult, involve and empower - in shaping final products or decisions.
Do you need to implement broad engagement goals on legislation, policy or products?
Do you know who you want to connect with but wish to observe and engage and not lead?
Are you short on time and on tight deadlines where outsourcing expertise would truly help meet your objectives?
Start with a call or set up a meeting.
Past Projects
Mount Logan EcoLodge & Retreat Centre
Supporting trade relations, business development, and government advocacy over a period of four years
Yukon Youth Strategy - Communities Build Youth Futures
Working with Yukon youth organizations to support building Peer skills, tools and networks, engaging youth in shaping their own strategy.
Advancing Indigenous Tourism (AIT)
Partnering with Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism (YFNCT) since 2010 to shape legacy and design events and strategies to advance indigenous tourism in the Yukon, for individual operators and community members in this growing sector.